I still vividly recall my first experiences with college. My high school had a dress code that was enforced. Shirts had collars and were tucked in. Hair was mandated to be neat and well groomed. I was sitting in an open lounge area of the largest building on campus awaiting the time to report to my first class. There was a strange sound coming down the hallway. It was a flop flop sound that became louder and louder. I had never heard such a sound. I watched the entrance of the hall into the open lounge with great curiosity. Soon a bearded upperclassman in a t-shirt emerged. It was his bare feet slapping against the tile floors.
This culture shock did not last long. I became used to seeing all sorts of strange sights including the student who arrived everyday in a long black cape reminiscent of an old Dracula movie. I actually joined the unusual by wearing my dorky fur hat with the feather on the side. The real lasting culture shock was the attitude toward faith. I was reared in a Christian home. I was now in a state university where all of my values were challenged on a daily basis. As an eighteen year old freshman I recall my first biology class. The professor was very straight forward in his beliefs. "When you were little you believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It was fun to believe in them. When you grew up you found out it was a lie, perhaps a well intentioned lie to bring more pleasure to your childhood. You will discover here the world of science and you will find out that there is no God. We are all that we have. We only have each other. We must solve our own problems. There is no help in the Cosmos. The only people who believe in God today are those superstitious souls lacking in education and/or intelligence." These words cut me to the soul. Frankly the thought came to mind, "Could he be right. Am I believing in fairy tales? Is all my life and hopes based on fables?" This blog is dedicated to all of the students who have stood here and all who will stand before a godless professor shaming you for your Christian faith. How do you stand? There came that still small voice within me assuring me that my faith was not in vain. I humbled myself and prayed, "Lord I am no match for this guy. He is so well educated and a gifted speaker. He has a PhD. I am like king Solomon not knowing how to govern Israel. Lord, I need your wisdom. Please show me truth." I graduated from that institution. I was not a second class citizen. I graduated in the upper five percent of my class, cum laud, Phi Beta Kappa. The answers came as I could see holes in his arguments and those who followed him. I learned great information and glorified God in the process. I am now lacking in neither education nor intelligence. I still believe in God.
My advice is keep an open mind. Respect the right of others to disagree with you. You can never force faith on another person. You are not expected to do this. The Holy Spirit will take the words He leads you to speak and accomplish the results. Be kind, courteous, and don't be "jerky" or condescending with your Christianity. Don't be a doormat. You are not inferior. If you know Jesus as your Savior you are a child of the King. You are a Royal, but let the example of Jesus be your guide. He became a humble servant to accomplish the purposes of God the Father. I hope to be a help. Hopefully I can provide logical answers to your sincere questions. This site is dedicated to the Lord. I look forward to helping those He sends my way by what will probably be unusual means. I actually respect an Atheist or an Agnostic more than a half way Christian. I understand why many believe the way they do and I don't look down my nose at them. In future days it is my intention to post what I hope to be helpful articles on a variety of scientific and Biblical subjects. Whether you are a Christian student needing some support or if you are an Atheist or an Agnostic searching for sincere answers, thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy the site and stop by often.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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