Friday, June 4, 2010

Finding Meaning in Life

I have witnessed a sad phenomenon. Consider our Hollywood stars. So many of these bright attractive wealthy young folks who have obtained so much of what the rest of the world seeks are absolutely miserable. Over the years many have become so depressed that they have ended their own lives. Still others have destroyed their lives with alcohol and drug addiction to the point that many have died far before their normal time. It is so tragic that those who have so much to give end life in depression and misery. All the things we are told that will bring happiness proved empty and meaningless to these unfortunate young people.

There is not a person on the face of the earth that doesn’t desire love and acceptance. There is a hunger for love, a thirst for acceptance. I do not believe it is there by accident. Elsewhere in my blog I have shared my academic background. I graduated in the top 5% of my university class in a state secular institution. In spite of my academic success many of my professors considered me a fool. Likewise, I considered them fools as well.

As a zoology (biology) major I was taught that the universe exists as a result of a whole series of cosmic accidents. A great primordial soup covered the earth and one day a lightening strike produced amino acids that combined to form the first spark of life. That initial life replicated and changed over the years to produce all the wonders of nature. We are nothing but an accident. We have just a short time on earth and our place will be forgotten and replaced by a new generation. We have no moral rules because there is no one higher than man to whom we must answer. We are alone in the universe. When things get rough, there is no higher power to turn to, just our own intellect.

Certainly I do respect the views of others and their right to decide for themselves what they believe. Yet, these folks need to have all the facts to make an informed decision. Our last couple of generations has been taught from childhood that evolution is the fact of our existence. In the absence of any other information, this is all we know. Yet when I was researching the theory taught as fact I came across an interesting fact uncovered by an atheistic team of Russian scientists. In replicating the experiment using an electric spark to produce amino acids, the major component produced under laboratory controlled conditions was not amino acids it was tar. It was calculated that for life to have originated in the manner described above, the amino acids could certainly have been produced but had they been produced in sufficient quantity to account for life, under optimal conditions the earth would have been covered by tar several miles thick. There is no several miles thick band of tar covering the earth. Their conclusion was that this theory taught as fact is false. These were not men of faith; they were scientists just checking the facts.

The universe left unattended tends toward disorganization not organization. Have you ever known of a tornado building a house? This leads me to one of the most compelling yet simple illustrations I have ever heard. I had the opportunity to hear a young missionary, Mark Tolson, present his burden for the country of China. Mark told of his encounter with a Chinese fellow living in the United States. He was telling him of God’s love for him and about the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. The young man listened respectfully, but stated that all that meant nothing to him because he was an atheist. Mark asked him to follow him outside. He pointed to the building where they had their conversation. Mark stated, “Certainly logic tells you that this building did not just appear. There was a builder who worked from a design to construct it. What about that tree over there? It is alive and much more complex than this building. Don’t you think it is possible that that tree also had a designer and builder? How likely is it that it just appeared?” Whether you are a believer or an atheist, either way you must believe that something has always existed, matter and energy or just energy. Why is the Christian so unscientific for believing that energy has always existed? We simply call it God and believe that God has intelligence and can direct his power to accomplish a planned work. Intelligent design versus haphazard luck makes more sense to me. The famous Einstein formula E=MCsquared gives us a clue to creation. The same formula that tells us how much energy is produced by the breaking down of mass gives us a way of understanding how much energy is required to create. Note also the C squared portion of the formula relates to the speed of light in centimeters squared. Isn’t it strange that Jesus who the scriptures teach was instrumental in creation before his incarnation referred to himself as light? Thus, energy and light are both present in the Biblical account.

The real problem in changing the mind of the atheist or agnostic who has been taught all his or her life that we evolved and God does not exist, is that to recognize the existence of God is to entertain a frightening thought. For we know that the laws of God often run contrary to our human desires. We have broken his moral laws and find ourselves standing in our guilt before him. This is truly not a pleasant thought. The Biblical account shows our first father Adam after having sinned against God also ran away and hid from God. Fortunately for mankind, God is a good, merciful, and forgiving God. He came looking for Adam and brought with him a solution for his sinful dilemma. He covered the shame of Adam’s nakedness with a coat of skins. This meant that an innocent animal that did nothing wrong lost its life to cover the shame that resulted from Adam’s sin. This was a picture of God’s plan for all mankind. The Biblical account places the blame for all of mankind’s problems squarely on the shoulders of Adam.

Romans 5:12 says, “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"

Here is God’s mathematics. If one man through his sin could foul up the whole world, then it would take only one man, Jesus, to undo the mess. Like the little innocent animal that had to be killed to cover Adams sin and shame, so Jesus who did nothing wrong took upon himself the sin of the world and died paying our penalty for us.

John 3:16-21 says,” For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

If the story above is true, as I believe it to be, then we have an avenue to achieve everlasting life. We do not have to face the dismal thought that what we have here on earth for perhaps 70, 80, or even 90 years is all there is. We have the pleasant thought that there is goodness and strength in the universe beyond ourselves and we have a glorious forever in which to enjoy it. We have a God who is reaching out to us with forgiveness. Jesus didn’t come to condemn us, he came to save us. God loves us.
If this is all new to you, or if it’s the first time you have ever wondered, can this be true, please keep an open mind. Contrary to the griping of self proclaimed intelligent professors, you are not a fool to think for yourself! Prayer is not some formal process, if you are wondering about these things, God likes honesty. Tell him that you don’t know what to think but if He exists, if He loves you, you would like to get to know Him. Ask Him to open your eyes to the truth. He will respect that prayer and will lead you.
Just in case this is all new to you and no one has ever taken the time to share this message with you, I’m going to explain a little more. If you know the story of the crucifixion you know that Jesus called out to his father asking that even those who were killing and mocking him be forgiven. I frankly don’t understand a love like that. I could not be that forgiving, but God is. If you believing that God doesn’t exist have lived a life contrary to the laws of God, go to Him with it. You need not fear his wrath if you will only trust Jesus to be your savior.

Those who refuse to accept Him are still under condemnation. A passage from the book of Hebrews asked the most compelling question that you are likely to ever be asked:

Hebrews 2:3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? If God has truly cared about you so much that he allowed his own Son to take on the form of a man, live a perfect life free of sin, suffer for your sin, and die an agonizing death in your place to provide himself a substitute to pay the penalty that His sense of justice demands from you; what do you think his reaction would be if you thumb your nose at it and go your merry way? I don’t think God will be impressed to be told, well Gee Whiz I thought you were just a myth made up by superstitious people. At least that’s what my professor told me. Now is the time to truly sort out in your own mind what you believe. I can’t tell you what to believe. Hopefully you understand that I do believe the Biblical account and I care enough about you to urge you to give some time and attention to sorting this out. It is the biggest decision you can ever make.
Perhaps you have made fun of this message and others like me who have tried to tell it to you. That’s ok and that’s forgivable. On the cross next to Jesus was a thief. Actually on both sides of him was a thief. Both of these men started out ridiculing him, making fun of Jesus. We don’t know what he said but whatever it was touched the heart of one of these men. It could have been when Jesus cried out to his Father to forgive even those who had stripped, beaten, mocked, and crucified him. Perhaps he saw hope for forgiveness for an old good for nothing thief. Looking at Jesus beaten, bleeding, crucified, and near death, he said something very amazing. Looking at him with eyes of faith he said,“Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus said something equally amazing back to him, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” Earlier the thief admitted to being deserving of the death penalty. He was not an innocent man falsely accused. He was guilty and he knew it. He saw a need in his life and got his eyes open to whom Jesus was. When he reached out to Jesus, Jesus reached back. He did not throw up his past sins to him nor did He heal him and tell him to come down off the cross and live a good life. He forgave him just as he was and made provision for him to be totally forgiven and for him to be with Him for eternity. Forgiveness is a good thing. Don’t be afraid of the fact that God exists.

“Perfect love casts out all fear”.

I believe in each heart there exists a God shaped depression. It is a hole that needs to be filled. People try to fill it with money, alcohol, drugs, sex, power and fame. Nothing quite fits. Only God can satisfy. You will remain hungry and thirsty for something missing in your life until you find that which was meant to fill it. Without God all you have is the depression. If you have questions feel free to place them in comments. If you understand your need, ask Jesus. The thief on the cross simply said a nine word prayer to Jesus that changed his eternal destiny. Simply confess to him that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. There are no magic words or secret ritual. If you have come to believe in your heart that Jesus was truly the sinless Son of God, If you know you need a savior and you believe Jesus died, was buried, and rose again the third day proving he was God then simply turn to him. Ask him to be your Savior. This precious gift of forgiveness was purchased for you by Jesus and God graciously wants you to have it.It is given freely by God's grace. You too can look forward to a clean new forgiven life and God’s Spirit within to guide you. You will become a new creation in Christ. You will have a new nature that seeks to honor your Lord and Savior.The Christian life is not always easy, but you will find a joy that exists nowhere else. I would suggest you check out I have no affiliation with the “in touch” organization, but believe it may be helpful to check out the teachings. Dr. Charles Stanley has a way of teaching that makes the difficult plain and simple. Thanks for reading this brief editorial, I hope it will inspire some sincere thinking. Please realize that this essay was inspired by love and not a "holier than thou" attitude. I only want you to find the peace, joy, and happiness that I have found. You are being wise and not foolish to challenge the ideas presented at so many institutions of higher learning. There are unseen wonders in this world that can’t be put in a test tube and analyzed.

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